Woodframe use Agreement

(Yearly costs below)(Updated for 2022)


F.L. President A.J. Burgess agrees:

1. To let your child have exclusive use of one of his cars 

     for a season or remainder of a season.


2. To provide all materials needed to maintain the vehicle.


    3. To allow three Tuesday night pratices only. {optional}


    4.  Driver keeps all plaques, trophies & awards.


    The Parents & Pit Person agrees:


1. To participate in at least 11 of the 14 races held at Little  

    Wheels track. {If not for a full season, the number of

    races will be agreed upon in advance of starting.}


2. To provide all labor if microd {excluding engine} needs 

    maintenance or becomes damaged during your sponsor-

    ship.  All maintenance will be done on the Little Wheels 

    Speedways property, prior to race day (Fri. Nite or Sat.) 

    by setting up a time in advance.


3. To provide all driver equipment, & bring to each  race -  

    Helmet, Goggles or Face Sheild, Snug Fitting Leather 

    Gloves, Long Pants, Long Sleeved Jacket, & No Open 

    Toed Shoes.


4. To pay all Driving School Fees. {Motor Rental, Driver’s

    card, Insurance &  Club  Membership, Etc.}        


(Yearly Fees Listed Below)


 Finger Lakes Microd Club     { Yearly Fees }


    Family Membership   -          $10.00          Help pay expenses 

                                                                         at the  Finger Lakes

                                                                        Microd Club.


    Driver Card                  -            $100.00        Covers some of  the

                                                                        fixed & variable

                                                                        costs involved in

                                                                        operating the track.


    Driver/Pitperson       -           $30.00          Is paid to Insurance   

     Insurance                                                              Carrier To cover

                                                                         accident Insurance

                                                                         for  the driver And              

                                                                          pit person.


   Libility Insurance     -           $20.00          Per Microd, Max

   Fee                                                               $40.00 per Family

                                                                       (for family’s with 3                                                                         

                                                                        or more microds)


   Motor Rental Fee      -         $100.00         Covers the cost of

                                                                        Maintainin Club



   Microd Usage

  A) Rent Microd             -            $125.00  (Made out to Little

                                                                 Wheels Speedways)



 **Note    ( Requires Sponsorship Agreement ) {See Above}



                       F.L.M.C.  EXPENSES     $  260.00

                         L.W.  (Microd Rent) add $  125.00


   INITIAL  SEASON  EXPENSE             $  385.00


   Entry Fees  -  $10.00 per Point Race (12 events per season)  = $  110.00

                        -  $20.00 per trophy event (2 events per season) = $   50.00


            TOTAL EXPENSE PER SEASON      $   545.00



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